Wednesday, 10 July 2019


            The main reason for conflict between two or more parties is the difference between their convictions and ideas.When one party tries to justify the truth about his/her idea(s),the other party or parties may contradict the same idea(s).


             This kind of behavior may incite anger in the party that is contradicted and the same party may contradict the ideas and convictions of the opposing parties even if the contradicted individual feels that the opposing party's idea(s) and conviction(s) are plausible.


 No one likes criticism.People may say that they are open to criticism and try to accept it as a means to improve themselves,but deep down inside,those same people feel a little disappointed inside with themselves without even knowing it consciously and try to justify their shortcomings or may just accept the criticism to improve themselves.Some people may even channel this disappointment to contradict the critic's ideas and this in turn may lead to conflict between the two.


           People love praise,but there are some who don't enjoy even that.Such kind of people think that they are being flattered,so that they can be won over.Such kind of people do love to achieve things,but don't like praise coming from someone else,but from themselves only.At such times,too,I've seen conflict rising between the two parties.

              I've even come across some individuals who ask how well they have completed a certain task.Upon praising such individuals none were pleased with it.Some even got angered because they felt that I was lying.But then such kind of individuals are the ones who teach you that in this world of sycophancy,one must never succumb to flattery.One must always express their feelings honestly no matter how delicate the situation.Conflicts may definitely arise at such times,but if the opposing party is smart enough,he/she will learn important lessons because of you and acknowledge your ideas and convictions.And then will conflicts die down.

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