Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Thought effects

The impact of thoughts on the world:

                 This image is of none other than the late Dr.Masaru Emoto.He may not be as famous as Einstein or Stephen Hawking or even Tesla,but his research on the impact of thoughts on the world is truly remarkable.


                 These images are actually of ice crystals exposed to the human emotions given beside them.What surprised the scientist was that the water transformed into attractive crystals on exposing them to good and desirable feelings,but transformed into something just the opposite on exposing them to negative and pessimistic feelings.


        What the doctor had originally done was that he had exposed separate bottles of water to the different human emotions given above and froze them in a specific manner.Upon examining the water crystals with a microscope,it became apparent that human emotions did have an influence on water


        Dr.Emoto even conducted an experiment on rice,but used water again.He took 3-4 jars,filled them with water and added some rice to each jar.he labelled each jar with a human emotion and exposed each jar to the emotion which was written on them.After,say about 30 days or so,the jars were opened.The rice and water exposed to positive thoughts and emotions,had fermented very well and smelled very pleasing.Whereas,the rice which was very exposed to negative thoughts and emotions,had rotted and neither looked pleasing nor smelled nice.


           What the scientist has tried to prove through these experiments is that our thoughts affect the physical world.Since we humans are made up of upto 70%-80% water,don't you think that our bodies,too are susceptible to the negative effects of unpleasant thoughts?


        Getting angry at someone or maybe feeling sad about an unpleasant event can be,at times,inevitable or maybe even necessary.But wouldn't you agree that such kind of emotions are something that you or anyone for that matter don't desire at all?Because such kind of emotions do a great job in spoiling relationships with anyone.One might feel frustrated when a person converses with him/her in a manner he/she doesn't like.But the exact same manner of conversation might please someone else.

One example:There are many people in this world who enjoy praise,but there are some who hate it as they feel that the ones who are praising them are trying to mock them since they are jealous of them.


          So what can be done to avoid such kind of feelings?I haven't come up with a "revolutionary" solution or something of that sort,but what I do in such kind of situations is try to stop thinking of the things that are bothering me and distract myself by thinking of the things that I like;because I've observed that the more I think about the things that bother me,the more angry do I get.So,it's basically like avoiding a disease,the more you stay away from it,the higher are your chances of not contracting it.As said,"Prevention is better than cure."

       Please don't hesitate to comment below on how I can improve my blog,Thanks for reading😊.



Saturday, 1 June 2019


                  I was thinking about love for a long time.No,I wasn't fantasizing or doing anything of that sort.I was just thinking about the reason why we human beings or even other animals love or desire anything at all.


                           After contemplating very deeply on this topic for a long time,I reached a conclusion that surprised me a bit.I realized that we  love something or more precisely,someone because we are selfish.


                 I have observed somethings about us human beings.Let's start off with parents first

             I have seen that almost all of the parents in the world would do anything in order to protect their kids from any sort of danger.They won't even hesitate to give up their lives for their kids.Yes,there are some who don't care an inkling about their kids,but the prime focus of this topic is caring parents.

             So why would parents go to such great lengths?It's because they love their kids.Why do they love their kids so much?It's because it is this selfish love that enables them to protect their kids with their lives from any sort of danger.All living organisms also behave in a similar manner,don't they?They give it their all to protect their offspring.


              Let me explain in much more detail.
In order to ensure the continuation of their own respective species,organisms reproduced,didn't they?Without reproduction,the organisms of the species wouldn't have existed,right?So,the offspring were made top priority.If the parents wouldn't have loved their offspring,then they wouldn't have taken care of them.If the parents wouldn't have taken proper care of their offspring,the continuation of the parents' species would have been jeopardized,wouldn't it?


                            Another thing that I have observed is that all of us are always trying to be happy and are always trying to obtain the things that will make us happy and enhance our existence.We try to make the right friends,we try to eat the right and appetizing food,try to get the best of everything.So why do we do all this?

                      As mentioned before,we do all this in order to enhance our existence.Our brain makes us love the things that will help us become better than those around us.Such kind of things may be considered bad or good by others,but since we love it,we do it,we try to obtain it,we desire it.


                    One small example:Same-sex marriages were considered to be a crime before,but now it has been legalized.Why?Due to increasing population?Due to open-mindedness?Or due to the opening of intellectually higher reasoning?Whatever the reasons may be,same-sex marriages have been legalized because human beings desired to be in relationships with the same sex.Some human beings enjoyed that.Such conditions could arise due to genetics or maybe because of the environment in which such kind of people may live.

                  But whatever the reasons may be,such kind of things were done so that they could be happy,so that their wishes could be fulfilled.It enabled them to enhance their existence.Their brain gave them the signal to love the same sex because it thought that the same sex will give them greater joy and enhance their species.

               So,whatever was done,it was done so that one's existence was enhanced.So,does that mean that a person will do anything just to survive?Even if that means to murder someone?


We,at times,help people,when the conditions are favorable for us.We feel a certain kind of happiness in our hearts on helping someone when we can.But why should we help anyone at all?We put ourselves in that person's shoes and say to ourselves,"What if I was in that person's place,how would I have felt?So,maybe I should help that person."But if you always help someone,do you think you are contributing to that person's growth in life?If you always help that person,how will he/she learn to deal with his/her own problems in your absence?That doesn't mean one shouldn't help those in need;help only when needed.One might say that a person's problem might be small pr big according to the observer,so then deciding the appropriate time to help someone might be confusing.

             To such kind of people I would like to say,listen to your instincts.They can never be wrong.They are the only things that will tell you when you need to help someone.
              But coming back to the main topic,should we help anyone at all?The reason why I ask this question is because according to researchers,the only reason why our ancestors would help each other was so that they could acquire the trust,support,strength and friendship of the people that they helped,which would give them an advantage in numbers over predators.So,do we help people just so that they can help us too?

              There are many people in this world who help without asking any favor in return.For example,Parents help their children when they think they need to.As mentioned before,parents help or attempt to keep their children happy because they love them.They protect them because they love them.So,if their children would meet with an accident or something else that would prove to be fatal for them,their parents would surely feel sad,right?So,does this mean that parents protect their kids just to escape sadness and emotional pain?Or do they just protect their kids and keep them happy just so that they can stay happy,too?Because parents feel happy when their kids are happy,right?So,does this mean that they are selfish?I know that there are some cruel parents in this world,but our main focus in this topic is on kind parents.

               I don't know what the answer is,but I do know that we human beings always try to protect things precious to us,otherwise on failing we feel great  sorrow.So,that's why,in order to escape sadness,we selfishly try to protect something that we love without caring about anything or anyone else as the things or people in our environment don't give us as much joy as the thing or person we love and desire the most.

             I am not trying to depreciate anyone's nature or point out that everyone is selfish,these are just thoughts of mine that arose on thinking deeply about why we love.

            Some might say that we love because love is what prevents humans from being destructive and ending all life,but destruction of all life would also secure the destructor's doom,right?So that in the end also points out that the about-to-be destructor cared solely about himself/herself and hence,refrained from destruction

             So,what conclusion can one draw from this?I don't know,maybe you can contemplate on this topic more deeply than me and tell me.

            Please comment below on how I can improve my blog further.I am open to criticism.Thank you for reading😊