My thoughts on human psychology
I have observed that almost always we humans prefer to indulge in an action that doesn't require much effort to be put in,either by our brains or body.This,I'm sure,many of you must have already noticed.We are lazy creatures.
Scientists have found that such kind of behaviour played a vital role in the survival of our ancestors,as they had to conserve their energy in order to be able to use it for much more beneficial purposes.For example,to protect themselves against potentially harmful animals.But in this day and age,when we live in well-guarded and protected cities,why are we so lazy still?One might argue that in every nook and corner of the society,there may lurk potentially harmful criminals,just waiting for the perfect opportunities.Yes,that's definitely true;but don't you think that we get tons and tons of opportunities to go beyond our human limits and do something amazing?So,what is limiting us?
a)Fear of failure:

In India there is a very tough engineering entrance exam called IIT-JEE(Indian Institute of Technology Joint Entrance Exam).Out of 11 lakh students only 10000 are given admission into IITs-the most coveted engineering colleges in India.The exam,which is divided into 2 parts,is so tough that even prodigies fail.Those who want the highest rank start preparing from the age of 11 itself(the exam is held after the student has completed high school,i.e.,when he/she is around 17 to 18 years old).So even when the brightest of the brightest fail in this exam,they develop low self-esteem.The feel even more crushed when their relatives ask them about their result and hence,don't give the exam again.They feel like complete FAILURES.At such times,it is very difficult to get back up again and try once more.Giving up seems to be the easiest way to get out of this mess.
When I'm faced with such kind of situations,I just try to forget about the things that are bothering me and try again.I stop thinking of my failure and focus on what I DESIRE to achieve.I start making mental plans on how I want to do something.If necessary,I even write down stuff.Planning on how to achieve my goal gets me so engrossed,that I forget that I might fail,I forget what people have told me,I forget about the people who have told me stop trying.I know that I face a lot of obstacles while trying to do what I love to do,but the thought that those obstacles will make me stronger and bring me many steps closer to my dream fills me with determination because in the past,too,I've had similar experiences.I know that at the end of the hardest climb comes the most beautiful view.So,never give up because "you don't lose when you lose,you lose when you give up."
Many a times,while running towards our goal,we feel that we have put in too much of efforts and hence,cannot do anymore.But such are the times when efforts should be put in the most.The end result is quite satisfying.As said by Allmight from the anime 'My Hero Academia',"If you feel yourself hitting up against your limits remember for what cause you clench your fists...Remember why you started down this path,and let that memory carry you beyond your limit."Whenever I feel exerted,I try to distract myself by thinking about something else or I try to think of the benefits of achieving my goal.But I never stop trying and I am always patient because "it's difficult to wait,but even more difficult to regret."
Anger is the most common emotion.I just came up with an explanation.It explains why we humans as well as animals alike feel happy or angry.So here goes:
When an event occurs as predicted by the individual,he/she experiences happiness;but if it doesn't occur as predicted,then the individual experiences disappointment.Due to the occurrence of such or similar events consecutively,the disappointment slowly transitions to sadness which gives rise to anger.
So,simply put,if we get something or experience something that we don't want to,we feel angry.It's obvious,isn't it?
But I have observed another thing.What might anger someone else,makes someone else happy.
One simple example:The mention of a girl to a boy,who has recently broken up with her due to a fight or some other reason,will surely become angry,as he might think you are trying to tease with him;but on the other hand,the mention of the same girl to another boy who likes her will only make him happier!!!
P.S.: Yes,I know that this is a lame example and I could have come up with better ones;but I felt that this one was easier to understand,hence I used it.
Jokes apart,coming back to what I really want to convey:All people are not alike.Everyone has a completely different reaction and hormonal release to any event.One might argue that if any group of say 100 people are experiencing happiness,then doesn't that mean that they are experiencing the same emotions?Yes,they are experiencing the same emotion,but the method of comprehending the emotion differs from person to person

One example to understand what I'm trying to say:There is a paradox called as the "Beetle in a box paradox".According to this paradox,all the people in the world are given one box each which contains a beetle.(In this world no one knows how a beetle looks like,so instead of the beetle,some other unknown object can be placed)Everyone is asked to describe the beetle in their own boxes.No one can peep into someone else's box and no one can hear the description given by someone else.In this way,everyone ends up describing the same thing in a different manner.Some might say the beetle is black,some might say it has spots,some might say it has 6 legs,etc.So,this indicates that everyone perceives the world in a different manner.Everyone has different emotions.The way we perceive all of our emotions might be similar to some extent,but not completely.
This means that we can never truly feel someone else's pain or joy or sorrow.We might be able to understand what someone else is going through after they have lost their loved one(s),since we,too,might have lost someone close to us.But we can never truly comprehend their pain or feel what they are going through completely,since we are not them.We might be able to understand them to some extent,but not completely.We are completely different from them.Yes,we are human beings,but all of us are not identical,right?All of us have differentiating characters.That is why,I feel that all of us perceive the same emotions differently.,I got so engrossed in explanation and writing that I completely diverged from the main topic.Sorry😉
In this world of ours,we are constantly breaking records,limits,etc.If one thinks of sadness and disappointment,there is no way in which he/she will succeed.The doubt of sadness and disappointment prevents all of us from doing amazing things.So,don't sadden yourself with the fear of failure.Stop overthinking and Just do it.Otherwise constant failure will surely make you unhappy and will eventually make you angry at someone or something you don't have to.
b)Feeling of exertion:

c)Anger for not getting expected results:
I don't get this feeling very often,but when I do,I'll be honest,I end up severing many of my relations.I,almost always,remove my anger on someone else.Yes,I know that this is an extremely detrimental habit and will surely cause serious trouble in the future,but I'm a human,right?And so are you all.It's difficult to control emotions.At such times,we mustn't allow our emotions govern our decisions.My sister's friend had once advised her that the best way of not getting mad at someone is by thinking of all the good that they have done for you.Let those thoughts replace the anger with the feeling of love.Even if that person has not done anything good for you,think of the pride that you will feel for yourself for tolerating that person.You will consider yourself as an enlightened being!!But that doesn't mean that you should allow that person to take advantage you.Make that person aware of his/her mistake in a subtle manner;never raise your voice and speak in the calmest,most possible voice.The person will surely get frustrated and speak in a higher voice.You stand your ground and teach that person a lesson in a subtle manner!!But coming back to the topic,anger management is extremely important for success.Getting mad all the time never helps.Be calm,try to assess what's going wrong and you'll surely be successful.Trust me,I'm speaking from personal experience.
Anger is the most common emotion.I just came up with an explanation.It explains why we humans as well as animals alike feel happy or angry.So here goes:
When an event occurs as predicted by the individual,he/she experiences happiness;but if it doesn't occur as predicted,then the individual experiences disappointment.Due to the occurrence of such or similar events consecutively,the disappointment slowly transitions to sadness which gives rise to anger.
So,simply put,if we get something or experience something that we don't want to,we feel angry.It's obvious,isn't it?
But I have observed another thing.What might anger someone else,makes someone else happy.
One simple example:The mention of a girl to a boy,who has recently broken up with her due to a fight or some other reason,will surely become angry,as he might think you are trying to tease with him;but on the other hand,the mention of the same girl to another boy who likes her will only make him happier!!!
P.S.: Yes,I know that this is a lame example and I could have come up with better ones;but I felt that this one was easier to understand,hence I used it.
Jokes apart,coming back to what I really want to convey:All people are not alike.Everyone has a completely different reaction and hormonal release to any event.One might argue that if any group of say 100 people are experiencing happiness,then doesn't that mean that they are experiencing the same emotions?Yes,they are experiencing the same emotion,but the method of comprehending the emotion differs from person to person
One example to understand what I'm trying to say:There is a paradox called as the "Beetle in a box paradox".According to this paradox,all the people in the world are given one box each which contains a beetle.(In this world no one knows how a beetle looks like,so instead of the beetle,some other unknown object can be placed)Everyone is asked to describe the beetle in their own boxes.No one can peep into someone else's box and no one can hear the description given by someone else.In this way,everyone ends up describing the same thing in a different manner.Some might say the beetle is black,some might say it has spots,some might say it has 6 legs,etc.So,this indicates that everyone perceives the world in a different manner.Everyone has different emotions.The way we perceive all of our emotions might be similar to some extent,but not completely.
This means that we can never truly feel someone else's pain or joy or sorrow.We might be able to understand what someone else is going through after they have lost their loved one(s),since we,too,might have lost someone close to us.But we can never truly comprehend their pain or feel what they are going through completely,since we are not them.We might be able to understand them to some extent,but not completely.We are completely different from them.Yes,we are human beings,but all of us are not identical,right?All of us have differentiating characters.That is why,I feel that all of us perceive the same emotions differently.,I got so engrossed in explanation and writing that I completely diverged from the main topic.Sorry😉
As mentioned earlier,when at times we aren't able to get what we desire,we feel sad.But,when we don't get what we want consistently,we feel anger.
But since the main focus of this topic is sadness,let's contemplate more deeply about it's cause and nature.
So why do we feel sad?When something doesn't happen as anticipated?When we don't acquire something even after trying very hard?These could be some of the reasons.
See,the thing is,we all experience sadness whether we want to or not.But don't you think that such sad moments are chances to improve who we are?I feel life constantly gives us chances,opportunities because it wants us to improve.It wants us to become better versions of who we normally are.We are imperfect,yes.For me perfection is infinite.There is no end to what one can achieve or become.Becoming better and better is tough,yes, I agree.But once you reach that level,that investiture-like level,the rush of emotions that you feel within you is beyond words,beyond description.
There is a difference between envy and jealousy.Before I would think that both the emotions are almost the same,almost like synonyms to each other;but there is a difference.Envy is the feeling of desiring something that someone else already possesses and even enjoys.Jealousy is something that you feel when you come across a situation in which something that you adore very much is threatened to be taken away from you.I know you might be thinking that I am wrong,but psychologists themselves have differentiated between envy and jealousy in this way.
For example:"Hey,I saw my girlfriend dancing with an attractive gut last night;and I didn't like it at all!!"
This was one example of jealousy;the threat of losing something that you love.
An example of envy:"Damn!!I wish had good looks like my neighbor!"
This is an example of envy.The feeling of desiring something that someone else possesses.
Such kind of feelings could lead to something good as well as something bad.
1)Something good:
The feeling of envy gives rise to the feeling of being competitive in a certain group.This pushes an individual to do his/her best.In such a competitive world of ours,feelings such as envy can be channeled in such a positive manner,which will surely enable us to achieve something amazing.
For example:The students giving competitive exams such as CA,IIT-JEE,UPSC Civil Services,etc.join coaching classes mainly because of the competitive atmosphere present in them.This pushes the students to do their best and get the most highest ranks and marks as well as fame.Fame?Yes,because millions of people shy away from such humongous amount of hard work and that is why only a handful become famous,not only because they are hard working but also because they are competitive and that drove them to be the best.
The biggest problem in our society is that most of us don't want to do hard work,we don't want to go beyond our limits.We just want to enjoy life.We don't understand that enjoyment derived from hard work is a lot more than enjoyment derived from lazing around.
So, keep in mind,the next time you feel that you have reached your limit,don't stop,work harder till you drop dead.Become a workaholic,it's okay,because the end result is quite satisfying.
2)Something bad:
The feeling of envy can also give rise to something that I call "Destructive Competitiveness".Yes,I know that there is no such term like that.I made it up because of the nature of the people who brim with such kind of envy which is bad.Such kind of people hate to see others turning out be far more successful than them.
So then,what do they do when they see someone more successful than them?The try to hinder that person's progress.They always try to get in the way of their competitors instead of trying to become better.There have been cases of murder related to such kind of bad envy.
Hence,I feel that such kind of envy should never be cultivated.One should only and only strive to make oneself better rather than trying to get in someone else's way.